Do Cats Get More Affectionate With Age? What You Should Know

Do cats get more affectionate with age? Or less affectionate? What do you need to know about your aging cat’s behavior? Cats all have unique personalities, much like humans. And like humans, they will mature and change throughout their lifetime.

Many people insist that cats get more affectionate with age… but is that really true? Let’s take a closer look at this opinion and look at the personality changes your cat may exhibit as they get older.

Do Cats Get More Affectionate With Age?

Some cats do get more affectionate with age and some cats don’t. The answer isn’t as simple as a yes or a no, because every cat is different.

As your cat ages and matures, their personality may change many times. Some cats will stay playful and curious, and others will get lazy.

Similarly, some cats will become more affectionate and love quality cuddle time with their humans, and others will remain independent their whole lives.

What Circumstances Define A Cat’s Personality?

Much like people, each cat has a unique personality that is shaped by its individual circumstances. Factors such as age, breed, gender, health, socialization, and environment can all influence a cat’s temperament.

A cat’s age is one of the biggest defining factors in their personality, but it’s not the only one. A kitten’s personality is not always indicative of how they will act as adults.

Breed plays a big role in cat personality, but so can gender, whether or not they’re spayed or neutered, and how socialized they were as kittens.

Why Do People Think Cats Get More Affectionate With Age?

One of the reasons people may think cats get more affectionate with age is because they become more relaxed and comfortable in their environments as they age. Older cats may be less active than when they were younger, meaning they have more time to lounge around and be lazy. This can make them seem more cuddly and loving.

Additionally, as cats get older they may form stronger bonds with their human companions since they have been together for a longer period of time. The bond between an owner and their cat can result in the cat seeming more affectionate.

Although many people will insist that all cats become more affectionate with age, it’s not always the case.

Some cats are just like people – some of us are loners, and some cats are lifelong loners, too. That doesn’t make them any less of a joy to be around, though!

Most Affectionate Cat Breeds

Some cat breeds are more affectionate than others. If you are looking for a feline companion and want one who will be more affectionate as they age, these breeds are known for their cuddles.

  • Ragdoll
  • Maine Coon
  • Scottish Fold
  • Persian
  • Himalayan
  • Siamese

Personally, I’m a big advocate for adopting cats rather than purchasing from a breeder.

I’ve had dozens of cats throughout my life and I’ve somehow ended up with all of them being affectionate in their own ways!

My most affectionate cat is still with me today, and he’s a longhair cat that exhibits a lot of traits of a Maine Coon or a Ragdoll.

My other most affectionate cats have been tabby cats – both male and female.

Why Is My Cat Suddenly More Affectionate?

If your normally non-affectionate cat is suddenly being clingy, vocal, or unusually affectionate, take notice.

If this is a rapid personality change with no obvious triggers, you should consult your vet for advice.

Cats have funny ways of communicating with us. And a cats natural instinct is to hide illness and discomfort – these things would make them too vulnerable in the wild.

If your loner cat is being affectionate and clingy out of nowhere, they may be trying to tell you they’re sick or in pain.

When Do Kittens Calm Down?

When do kittens calm down? This is a question that many new cat owners ask. Kittens are notorious for their high energy levels and playful antics. However, most kittens will eventually settle down as they reach adulthood. There are a few things that can help to speed up the process, including spaying or neutering, providing plenty of toys and playtime, and establishing rules and boundaries early on. With patience and consistency, most kitten owners will find that their feline friend will eventually morph into a calm and loving adult cat.

When Do Cats Reach Adulthood?

Most cats will reach physical maturity by around one to two years of age, but some may take longer to fully mature. Behaviorally, cats usually reach adulthood by around two years of age. At this point, they begin to settle into their adult personality and are no longer as playful or energetic as they were as kittens. So, if you’re wondering when your cat will reach adulthood, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s not just a matter of age—it’s also a matter of individual development.

How to Bond With a Non-Affectionate Cat

If your cat isn’t particularly affectionate, there are still ways to forma. close bond. One way to do this is to spend time together playing. Play is a vital part of a cats life. While it may look cute to humans, cats are natural born predators and they can get bored and depressed when they don’t have play in their life.

To bond with your non-affectionate cat, make play a daily routine. Find toys they love to chase, catch, and play with, and switch them up to keep it interesting.

Additionally, you can train your cat to do simple commands. Training your cat keeps them engaged and is a great enriching and bonding activity for you both.

Lastly, just because your cat isn’t super cuddly doesn’t mean you can’t spend time together. Talk to your cat, spend time in the same room, and give pets – but only when they ask for it. You shouldn’t ever force physical affection on your cat, but spending time on bonding may have them asking for it!

With a little patience and effort, you can develop a strong bond with even the most aloof of cats.

Affectionate or Not, Cats are Great Companions

While some cats do remain playful and affectionate throughout their lives, others may become more independent or aloof as they age. Every cat has a unique personality, which can change over time based on a variety of factors such as spaying/neutering, environment, breed, and socialization. Even if your cat doesn’t become more affectionate with age, they’re still amazing companions! And always remember: if your cat’s personality changes dramatically or unexpectedly, it is important to consult your veterinarian for advice.

Carrie Wilder

Carrie Wilder is a long-time cat owner, rescue advocate, and she’ll be the first to tell you that she’s cat-obsessed. When she’s not at home writing for Cat Faqts and snuggling her own cats, you can find her trying to pet and hold the cats of friends, family, and any stray she meets.

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